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Conference Programme 2024


Smiling is Awesome! Feel and share the benefits of your Superpower for exponential rewards

17 May 2024
Dental Nurses' Forum
A , B , C , D
Smiling is Awesome! Feel and share the benefits of your Superpower for exponential rewards

Learning Content

We are in the business of healthy smiles but do we maximise all the benefits of good oral health?
By looking closely at why Smiling really is Awesome, we can develop more understanding of the insightful evidence and gain a lived experience that will shine through when we talk to our patients, creating a truly positive impactful relationship.
Smiling is good for us and good for business and the potential is unlimited. 
With open minds, we can look out beyond our surgery walls and within our hearts to reach others like never before.
Jo will share evidence from a wide variety of sources as well as review learnings from her "Awesome Smiles" oral health promotion project 2023 pilot.

Learning Aims

Present evidence of associated benefits from smiling and good oral health in relation to general health and mental well-being. - Discuss the potential positive outcomes for us personally, our patients and our dental practice/ business. - Introduce the Awesome Smiles September Stations oral health promotion (OHP) project. - Review the results and impact of the 2023 pilot.

Learning Objectives

Understand the relationship between oral health and general and mental health conditions. - Recognise how leading by example can be good for business as well as our personal well-being. - Appreciate how and why community-based OHPs can be set up to benefit more than the participants. - Understand the importance of innovation as a tool to increase effectiveness in encouraging behaviour change.
Jo Dawson, Innovative Dental Nurse - Awesome Oral Health CIC


