Dentistry Portfolio

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Conference Programme 2024


Endodontic decision-making: to re-treat or not?

18 May 2024
Specialty Interest Theatre
A , C
Endodontic decision-making: to re-treat or not?

Learning Content

Daily challenges in clinical practice include making the right decision for a patient, and that sometimes includes whether a tooth is to be saved or not. In endodontically treated teeth, this can be determined by an array of complex factors. This lecture aims to simplify the decision-making process.

Learning Aims

Present a simplified process of assessing a root-filled tooth - Present treatment options for a root-filled tooth - Discuss cost benefit components of treatment options - Discuss how to communicate treatment options with patients in an empathetic and humble way.

Learning Objectives

Be able to assess a root-filled tooth - Be able to discuss options available in a simple and comprehensive way with patients - Be able to advise patients on the decision-making process and how to decide on what best suits them.
Maria Lessani, Specialist in Endodontics & Practice Partner - Endoclinic


