Dentistry Portfolio

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Conference Programme 2024


Dental practice sales: how to maximise a sale by effective planning, marketing and execution

17 May 2024
Practice Owners & Business Management Theatre
B , C
Dental practice sales: how to maximise a sale by effective planning, marketing and execution

Learning Content

Looking to potentially sell your practice in the next couple of years or sooner? This presentation will run through how to maximise the value of the business through strategic planning, deciding on the right marketing strategy which varies depending on the practice and how to execute the practice sale by working with the right advisors.

Learning Aims

Provide an understanding of the current practice sales market and how to effectively plan for a successful exit which maximises the practice value.

Learning Objectives

The participant should be able to start implementing a plan leading towards the sale of their business.
Phil Kolodynski, Director of Practice Sales - Dental Elite


