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08 May 2024

Be part of the GBT movement: register for exclusive training at BDCDS this May!

Be part of the GBT movement: register for exclusive training at BDCDS this May!

SDA Trainers offer valuable perspectives on BDCDS GBT sessions

We connected with Faye Donald and Anna Middleton to uncover the details of this thrilling opportunity…

Why is it beneficial for people to attend?

Anna: I’ve always been passionate about technology and innovation in dentistry, so I’m excited that we will be able to share with delegates the innovation and science that backs EMS systems and products. 

Faye: It’s also an opportunity to get up close to experienced Swiss Dental Academy (SDA) clinical educators who will use their wealth of experience to offer an insight into clinical day-to-day GBT applications and their perspectives on GBT treatment approaches.

What advantages does this session offer?

Faye: Attending the short, more digestible presentations will offer condensed bursts of inspiration and knowledge. Interspersed with hands-on skills training and clinical demonstrations, these sessions will offer insights into the innovative concepts of GBT and offer actionable takeaways for personal and professional growth.

Anna: I agree, and I’d add that we’ve all probably experienced times in our careers where we feel stuck, uninspired or unsure how to work smarter and not harder. The insights we provide over the two days will be sure to help ignite a spark and inspiration. 

Regarding hands-on training, what additional benefits does an immersive session provide?

Faye: The immersive hands-on skills training offers invaluable experimental learning and an opportunity to develop practical skills that transcend traditional classroom education.

Anna: After all, you wouldn’t buy a car without test driving it first. This will give delegates the ultimate experience to feel for themselves how the systems work and judge for themselves their value. 

How does participating in the session enhance attendees' understanding and open up new possibilities for their practices?

Faye: The knowledge and skill obtained from these sessions, which combine immersive hands-on training with compact lectures, will help healthcare professionals stay abreast of the latest advancements, enhance clinical practice, refine skills, drive innovation and adopt evidence-based practice.

Anna: We are all excited to be on hand to answer questions and give our own personal experiences and insights to help the rest of our profession continue delivering high-quality, preventive dentistry. 


GBT in 8 simple steps

1. Assess – probe and screen every clinical case.

2. Disclose – make biofilm visible.

3. Motivate – raise awareness and teach.

4. AirFlow – remove biofilm, stains and early calculus.

5. PerioFlow – remove biofilm in >4 to 9 mm pockets.

6. Piezon No Pain – remove remaining calculus.

7. Check – make your patient smile.

8. Recall – a healthy patient equals a happy patient.


This May, unlock the future of dental care by joining the electrifying Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT) training sessions at the Birmingham Dentistry Show (BDCDS).

Dive into the world of GBT, a groundbreaking and patient-endorsed approach to preventative dental care, led by the renowned SDA trainers Faye Donald, Stephanie Leyland, Anna Middleton, and Sophia Spriggs.

These aren't just lectures - they're dynamic, hands-on experiences designed to supercharge your practice and dramatically improve patient satisfaction. With each session limited to just eight participants, you’re guaranteed personalised guidance and an engaging, interactive atmosphere. Sessions run from 9 am to 4:30 pm, each lasting 45 minutes and brimming with cutting-edge techniques and essential insights.

By participating, you'll not only enhance your skills under the tutelage of top industry experts but also earn one hour of CPD credit to further your professional journey. Plus, you’ll walk away with exclusive goodies: a stylish GBT hat and a special edition EMS GBT water bottle.


Patients love GBT

Developed by EMS Dental alongside top dental experts, GBT represents a seismic shift in oral healthcare, focusing on patient comfort, advanced technology, and meticulous biofilm removal.

Its effectiveness is nothing short of remarkable: a massive global survey involving over 278,000 patients revealed that an incredible 94% favoured GBT over traditional methods, with the same percentage advocating it to loved ones, highlighting its exceptional patient satisfaction and popularity.

The resounding approval from patients underscores the effectiveness and comfort of GBT, making these SDA Trainer-led sessions at BDCDS indispensable for dental professionals seeking to elevate their care and stand out in today’s competitive field.

Integrating GBT into your services will not only meet but exceed the expectations of the modern dental patient.


Seize the moment

This is a golden opportunity to learn directly from the pioneers of GBT, enhancing your practice with the latest advancements in dental care technology. Don’t miss out on the chance to propel your practice forward with the most recommended and patient-preferred professional cleaning approach.

Happy smiles, happy patients, happy dental professionals—that’s the GBT promise! Step into EMS’s GBT training sessions this May at BDCDS and pave the way for a more successful, satisfying dental practice.

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