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13 Feb 2023

Prioritise mentoring and networking

Prioritise mentoring and networking

Dr Manrina Rhode is a leading cosmetic dentist in the UK who runs a training academy to help fellow dentists develop their skills with porcelain veneers. She will be among the highly anticipated speakers at the British Dental Conference & Dentistry Show (BDCDS) 2023, where she will discuss the importance of mentoring and networking. About her session she comments:

“Mentoring is important for dentists learning new skills so they feel supported as they advance. Networking is essential to build a referral base, find new jobs and meet new clients.

“Sometimes, dentists can feel that more experienced colleagues don’t want to help them or don’t have the time, when actually this is something that many experienced clinicians enjoy and find fulfilling.

“Associates may also not appreciate the full value of networking, because their principal will find them patients or they can respond to job adverts when they want a job, but there are so many benefits to taking control of this. Practice owners equally need to network to really elevate their practice.

“I hope delegates attending my session will go on to seek mentorship and network more. BDCDS is a great event in the dental calendar that supports both these areas.”
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