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Maria Lessani

Maria Lessani

Specialist in Endodontics & Practice Partner, Endoclinic
Maria qualified from Birmingham Dental School in 1996, following which she worked as a Vocational Trainee in an NHS practice in East London. Maria won an award as VT of the year in 1997. In 1998 Maria started a two-year full-time MClinDent (Endodontology) program at the Eastman Dental Institute. Maria gained the MFDS (TC White Medal) from Glasgow. Her name has been included on the GDC Endodontics specialist list since 2002. Currently, Maria’s time is divided between endodontic practice and teaching. She has taught undergraduates at University of Birmingham and currently is a part-time honorary clinical lecturer at Eastman Dental Institute (UCL) teaching postgraduate master students. She has been the President of the British Endodontic Society (BES) and has been involved in launching the early career group, and other activities of the BES.


