Dentistry Portfolio

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Ulpee Darbar

Ulpee Darbar

Consultant in Restorative Dentistry and Director of Dental Education, Eastman Dental Hospital
Meet Ulpee, a leading Consultant in Restorative Dentistry and Specialist in Periodontology, Prosthodontics and Endodontics, with a passion for helping patients with complex and multidisciplinary problems. As the Director of Dental Education, she is heavily involved in postgraduate education and training for dentists, specialists, and dental care professionals. Her expertise and dedication to dental education have led her to design and run innovative successful training courses for the dental team across the Restorative Specialities and different implant systems. She is also the author of the first book on dental implants for dental nurses and has contributed to other textbooks as well as a range of publications in peer reviewed journals making her a sought-after speaker in national and international conferences. Join Ulpee as she shares her knowledge and experience in restorative dentistry and implantology and what Eastman Dental Hospital Education has to offer.


