Dentistry Portfolio

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Conference Themes

Conference Themes

Earn up to 12 FREE eCPD hours through our extensive and carefully curated programme, delivered by hundreds of world-class experts. With 11 theatres and more than 150 lectures, discussions and demonstrations, there is something for every member of the dental team at BDCDS 2025.

Clinical Know-How

Staying abreast of the latest clinical practice is essential for dental professionals committed to delivering high-quality patient care. Across theatres including the Specialty Interest Theatre and the Enhanced CPD Theatre you will gain invaluable insight into cutting edge techniques and innovative practice, to refine your skills and enhance treatment outcomes. From cracked teeth to managing diseased pulp, and from occlusion to child-focused caries management, there is plenty of opportunity to update your clinical knowledge and gain valuable CPD.

Business Bites

In today's competitive landscape, knowing how to navigate the complexities of running a successful dental business in the UK is as crucial as clinical expertise. BDCDS will address this need by incorporating sessions focused on business acumen, marketing strategies, financial management, and patient engagement. Attend sessions in the Dental Business Theatre or Practice Owners & Business Management Theatre to equip yourself with the latest intel on gaining and retaining patients, as well as managing your team and your finances. And, if you are in the market to buy or sell a practice – make sure you have everything you need before taking the leap.

Navigating Legal and Compliance

Adhering to legal and regulatory standards is paramount to ensure patient safety and professional integrity. BDCDS provides dedicated sessions on the latest compliance requirements, ethical considerations, and risk management strategies. Be part of discussions on infection control, complaints handling, and safeguarding, to ensure you can be confident that your practice is upholding the highest standards of care and is guarded against potential legal challenges.

Improving Wellbeing

Your role as a dental professional is hard, and it’s not always easy to carve time out to check in with your own wellbeing, or that of the team. And even when you find the time, it can be difficult to know where to start. BDCDS will provide sessions to help you navigate mental health, prevent burnout, and foster a supportive working environment for yourself and your team.

BDCDS is delighted to work with Confidental as our official charity partner for 2025, a 24/7 anonymous helpline dedicated to supporting dental professionals dealing with stress and anxiety.

Boost Your Career

Continuous professional development is vital for your career progression. BDCDS serves as a platform for networking with peers, mentors, and industry leaders, facilitating knowledge exchange and collaboration. By joining us, you will be able to explore the different specialties through the Specialty Interest Theatre, gain insights into emerging trends, and take control of your own career trajectory. Whether you are a dentist, dental nurse, hygienist or therapist, you will be able to join sessions with your peers to be inspired towards the next step in your career.

Innovative Technology

The integration of advanced technology is transforming dental practices. BDCDS will showcase the latest in digital dentistry, from AI to CAD design, and from implant planning and printing to intraoral photogrammetry. NEW for this year – join the IDDA in the Digital Dentistry Theatre for live demonstrations and engaging sessions which will immerse you in the world of digital dentistry, whether you are a dentist or dental technician. Join them, and others, to explore the latest tools, but also to define best practice in collaboration and workflow across the team – to improve your efficiency and your patient outcomes.

Gold Event Sponsor & Charity Partner



